Saturday, June 24, 2006

CARTOPIA -- art on wheels

annual "art car" showcase in the 'cermak plaza' at cermak and harlem in berwyn Posted by Picasa
just went thru a goth tornado Posted by Picasa
and the winner is . . . . Posted by Picasa
diving into margaritaville Posted by Picasa
this must be the 'jimmy buffet-mobile' Posted by Picasa
the heaven and hell car -per writing on the bumper- but can't make out much more ?? Posted by Picasa
just a reminder . . . this display and parade were on the south side Posted by Picasa
this had a nice concept . . . city, country, mountains Posted by Picasa
tryin' to say a lot of things Posted by Picasa
this has always been a weird sight to me Posted by Picasa
NASCAR-inian Posted by Picasa
this car was around in the fifties and sixties, it's an isetta (spelling???) Posted by Picasa
that's almost as committed as a tattoo Posted by Picasa
flower children?? Posted by Picasa
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Posted by Picasa
pretty in puke . . er, pink Posted by Picasa
i'm pretty sure this isn't street legal Posted by Picasa
she's sitting on the back of the car in the last picture you just saw Posted by Picasa
CHICKen OF THE SEA Posted by Picasa
king neptune and his mermaid Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


rows Posted by Picasa
sculpture Posted by Picasa
detail Posted by Picasa
nice catch Posted by Picasa
a la carte Posted by Picasa